Leonis - Conky themes pack

A collection of conky themes that have distinctive tiles or circles as the background of the theme. which in this theme contains the date, weather report, music player information, system information and others.

The Myth about Leo

Leo represents the Nemean Lion, a beast with an impenetrable hide and razor sharp claws. Some say It lived in the hills of Nemea in Greece. It originally lived on the Moon and it descended to Earth as a shooting star. Killing this creature was the first of the 12 Labors of Hercules. The hero defeated the lion by wrestling it until he could lock his arms around it and then strangled it to death. He used the lion’s own claws, the only things sharp enough, to skin the beast. From that day forward Hercules wore the pelt as his armor. The king of gods placed this king of the beasts back into the sky from where it had originally come. (( Source : Under the night sky ))

The Catalog

Below is an example preview of the theme, some explanations related to the theme and link to download

🦁 Mimosa

🦁 Regulus

🦁 Alterf

🦁 Sirius

🦁 Shelyak

🦁 Chertan

🦁 Izar

🦁 Naos

🦁 Denebola

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How to use these theme

  • Download the theme in the link below the preview of each theme
  • Then read this Instruction carefully
  • If there is an error in my theme,feel free to ask in the comments column on this site or in the Pling store

Tip jar

If you like my themes, i will be very grateful if you are willing to make a donation to support me to make even better themes, thank you from all my heart. Using PayPal or use Buymeacoffee. or the easiest way is to download my theme via the download button above.


So those are the themes included in the Draco - COnky themes pack, hopefully one of them can beautify the appearance of your desktop. Thank you for reading until the end of the article.

