How to apply theme

This article will explain how to apply the conky themes that I created in general. Why should I write this? Of course because everyone has their own way of using an application, maybe most of them are the same, but of course there are points that have special treatment. Please read and if you have any questions please ask in the comments column..

Requirements :

Main Applications

  • Conky ( Version 1.10.8 or newer open this here for some explanation )
  • Lua ( a lightweight, high-level, multi-paradigm programming language designed primarily for embedded use in applications )
  • Conky Manager2 ( optional If you want to use the GUI when installing the theme, please install this app )
  • jq ( for the weather theme, the downloaded data is in the form of a json file, and jq is used to handle it, most distros already installed )
  • curl ( This command is used to download data from the web,it also most distros already installed )

Music Player

  • Mpd ( Because of my limited data plan, I prefer to listen to songs offline, :-) )
  • Playerctl ( for those who use online music players (such as spotify, youtube and others, even some offline ones can) In the future, I plan to use playerctl to get music player data that will be displayed in the theme, Instalation see Playerctl Github )

What to do before apply a theme :

  • Syntax configuration of this theme for conky version 1.10.8 or newer
  • The default folder for all themes that i made is in ~/.config/conky/ . if it doesn't exist please create one, some people use ~/.conky/ or maybe use their $home, if you do this it will cause the theme to be broke because everything is linked ( unless you change all the configurations ).
  • For theme that show network status ( speed, graph or usage ), you must know your device id in the following way :
    • run this command in your favorite terminal   ip link 

    • Number 3 is your device id,then overwrite the id in the config.

  • For theme that show weather information, you must have city_id that can you get from  in the following way :
    • Open the website then search your city

    • Then select your city

    • copy the city_id

    • And then overwrite old city_id in which is in the scripts folder

  • And for the api key, please use your own which you can get for free at, in the following way :
    • Open the website and create an account
    • Verify your account first
    • Then at the homepage choose user option then choose My API keys

    • Then copy your new api key

    • Replace old API key in in which is in the scripts folder
    • The api key that was just created can only be used a few hours after the account was created

  • Install all fonts in fonts folder
    • By open ttf file and click install
    • Or copy/move the ttf file to ~/.fonts 
    • Then update font cache by command  fc-cache -fv 
    • All fonts i get from Google FontsDafont or Fontsquirrel

  • For theme that showing battery status, if precentage is not appear. execute following command in terminal  /sys/class/power_supply/  Then overwrite default argument ( BAT1 ) with what was stated in the results of the execution of the command, the variable is ${battery_percent BAT0}

How to use theme :

After you download my theme from Pling Store, extract it then move theme folder to ~/.config/conky/ ,then follow the instructions below, there are 2 ways :
  • Execute 
  • If you use conky-manager2, just check the theme to be installed

    • If theme in ~/.config/conky does not appear, open Conky-manager and choose setting

    • Then choose location

    • Click add then navigate to ~/.config/conky then click open

    • Click OK then refresh conky-manager

    • Done.

Tip Jar

If this article is helps you in modifying your desktop , i will be very grateful if you are willing to make a donation to support me to make even better themes, thank you from all my heart. Using Paypal or use Buymeacoffee. or the easiest way is to download my theme on Pling Store.


That's how to apply the conky themes that I made,may be a little convoluted but hopefully it can beautify your desktop.



  1. Thank you so much for the hard work, love yor stuff!

  2. any updates as CM2 doesnt work anymore?

    1. can you explain the problem? because actually CM2 is not from the developer of Conky itself


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